Pork Tenderloin

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Package Weight: 0.82 lbs Price Per Pound: $21.99 Available Quantity: 5

Fresh Omega-3 Pork Tenderloin Roast. This is a very low fat, tender roast. Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 2.5:1 versus conventional pork at 20:1 on average.

The whole fresh tenderloin has a diameter of about an inch and a half on the larger end and tapers down on the small end. This is the most tender muscle on the pig and is great to marinate and grill or bake. Important to not overcook and dry it out. Covering with aluminum foil will help it stay moist and tender. Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio of 2.5:1 versus conventional pork at 20:1 on average.

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