In reaction to elevated concerns about environmental pollution, the EPA was established on December 2, 1970. In the following 45 years government and industry worked hand in hand to produce much safer foods. As a result, the reasons for consumers to be concerned about insecticides and herbicides in the food supply have dropped precipitously.
Unfortunately, consumers have not generally recognized the significant advancements in food safety and many are more concerned today than ever before. The reasons they are more concerned is that incidences of chronic disease keep climbin year after year.
We get many questions regarding chemical contaminants in beef. In fact, more people are freaked out about manmade contaminants in their food than nutrition. We find that strange because there's only a handful of reported deaths in our country from manmade contaminants in food. Yet on the other hand literally millions of Americans are suffering every day of their lives and/or are dying prematurely because of chronic diseases brought on by grain-based nutritional deficiencies (and other natural "organic" causes). So, regarding this subject, to be scientifically correct, tuthful, and legally in the right, this is what we can say.
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