Column #491       January 24, 2025Eagle and Flag

I like games and winning is fun. When playing with good players, I always like to kid them with an opening declaration that the winners get to gloat. We don’t need to take their money because gloating is payment enough. Besides, it’s only a game and the losers can moan and groan and claim mischief and yell “Deal cried the losers,” if they so desire.

But the last presidential election was much more than a game. It was literally a battle for the survival of the United States and quite possibly the world’s last chance for freedom to ring. Our government’s administrative state had gone off the rails in the most morbid of fashions. Freaks, imbeciles, demented, sadistic, dictatorial, murderous, corrupt, subversive, traitors, and sick were the adjectives that described the individuals running the administrative state. Weirdly enough, they were convinced they knew more about survival than all the citizens combined and power in their hands was democracy in action.

To show just how subversive the Federal government’s civil service managers are, a recent survey conducted by RMG Research found that 42 percent of 500 civil service managers in the Washington region said they would actively oppose Donald Trump’s policies. “Just 1% said they would at least somewhat support the Trump Administration. Only 17% said they would follow a direct order from President Trump.”1

These administrative types, who say they will ignore the will of the citizens and their democratically elected representatives, are traitors. How can any organization run effectively when subordinates ignore the business plan? The Biden administration worked with these managers to fulfill their DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) objectives. They promoted them based on racial quotas, their lack of knowledge, by their gender confusion, and other “talents” that “hindered” them. By design the administrative state consisted of substandard employees producing substandard results at exceptionably high costs.

Trump has many plans for improving the government and the military, saving money, growing the economy, and addressing the national deficit. This requires a totally different mindset than what has been exhibited in the past. The military is being restructured away from being focused on social experiments. That’s a big task but not as big as streamlining the activities and slashing expenses in the many other government agencies.

Some government departments have been totally ineffective in carrying out their missions. The Department of Education is a prime example. Many others were weaponized by leftists against citizens and their businesses such as FBI, CIA, IRS, EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services. Some of the agencies have been infiltrated by loyalists to our adversaries. These people and the agencies they work for may need to be totally dismantled never to be seen again.

Americans need to understand that over the past 110 years their government put on many layers of fat. In so doing it became an administrative state that ran independently and not under the direction of elected representatives. Therefore a behemoth of bureaucrats protected its own and insulated itself from outside influences that didn’t align with their goals of autonomy. Consequently, when the country got a brain-dead president the unelected, undemocratic mob flourished. In so doing they declared anyone who dared to bring them under control as a threat to democracy—a sure sign of total stupidity.

Yesterday Argentina's President Javier Milei spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He said that woke politics are a "cancer" on the world and must be eradicated to usher in a "new golden age" of freedom and prosperity. Trump also spoke and talked about America first rather then being a patsy for all the wokeness in social structures, immigration, trade and foreign relations that DAVOS so proudly promotes. He doesn’t want dominance but fairness in trade, prosperity, common sense, and an end to the war in Ukraine.

Speakers such as Milei and Trump are speaking truth to a body of woke leaders whose primary goal is subjugation of people around the globe to woke ideals that will greatly reduce the human population. This is the beginning of a major effort to educate not only those twisted leaders but people all around the world.2

Being against DEI, wokeness, and ignorance versus free speech can coexist. Banning the discussion regarding DEI is actually a ban on free speech. That’s why it’s so important that Trump’s changes must emphasize merit, positive accomplishments, education (especially history and social sciences), and common sense and not total nonsense of gender confusion, open borders, embarrassment for whom we are, and loyalty to political parties rather than constructive policies. People who are indoctrinated with woke ideas will just have to get over it and grow up.

The Education department has sown failure since Carter created it. Therefore, it must be closed down with the responsibility for education being given back to the states. The FBI, CIA, and justice department were turned into weapons against the citizens. Therefore, they must be reformed of done away with.

The citizens have voted and the administrative state must either follow their wishes or disband. We can discuss democracy while practicing democracy. But no matter what, all citizens must work together to execute the new game plan. Those found to be secretly undermining the plan have to be dealt with as criminals or traitors. But in every case the discussion from both sides can go on if it adheres to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Supreme Court for guidance. What’s needed now along with a demand for positive change is an unencumbered education system and a willingness to weather the pains that come from change.

This call to action includes the school teachers who in the past few decades have taught our youth how to be losers rather than winners. It includes politicians who understand and support the policies that made our country great instead of being parasites. It also includes the leaders in business and industry to set examples for providing jobs inside the borders of the United States instead of offshoring our knowledge and industry to the advantage of foreign countries.

Trump’s inaugural speech set the agenda, but he can’t make it happen alone. Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden sat by and heard how Trump’s plans will unravel nearly everything they thought of as their signature accomplishments.

Change requires patriots. No longer can patriots be considered enemies of the status quo. We are all Americans and we must inspire teamwork from all citizens if we are to regain freedom, prosperity, and security. Most sane people are for freedom, prosperity, and security and what the Biden administration accomplished was that it perfectly illustrated what life can be like without freedom, prosperity, and security.

Every American must say “Never again.”

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. Trump Signs Executive Order to Fire Top Career Federal Managers More Quickly by Mark Tapscott from The Epoch Times

2. Davos Globalists Admit "We Have Lost To Trump" by Steve Watson from