Column #39

Man trying to open door to a better world I recently exchanged notes with Dr. John Sullivan about the “can’t change” phenomenon. Dr. John has 29 years of clinical experience in Non-Force Chiropractic. At 71 he’s also the world’s oldest SFG Level 2 Kettlebell Instructor and can climb a rope hand over hand.

We both want to improve our effectiveness in getting people with chronic diseases and injuries to be proactive in adopting a healing lifestyle rather than choosing drugs and operations which mask their afflictions yet rarely heal them. In our experience, suggesting changes in the diet are usually met with rejection. Ditto with exercise, environmental change, or more sleep.

At a recent seminar, Dr. John heard a presentation by Dr. Andre Camelli, the founder of Quantum Integration, about why this occurs. Sick people are often so toxic and overwhelmed they are incapable of change. Toxicity can be caused by diet, fungus, infections, immune deficiencies, pain, sleep deprivation, noise, poisons, and depression. When many issues combine, the victims are literally overwhelmed and stressed. They can only do what they’ve always done because it’s the easiest thing to do.

This explains why people want prescription drugs and even operations. But those treatments rarely address causes, only symptoms. And when drugs are chosen over lifestyle changes, it’s drugs forever plus their associated risks.

So, how do we get people to think about curing afflictions rather than simply treating symptoms?

Dr. John and I agree The Real Diet of Man nails the proper diet. But prior to making the required changes, Dr. John asks questions. “Do you just want symptomatic relief or do you want to get to the bottom of this and fix it?” If the answer is only symptomatic relief he refers them to a medical doctor for the appropriate drugs. Case closed.

But if they say “I want it fixed” then he asks . . . “Well how long do you think that will take?” If they’ve had issues for many years they’ll usually say “a year or two.” That indicates reality has set in and they can be worked with. Dr. John determines which major system needs support first: endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, immune, etc. Then he recommends a specific series of supplements and small lifestyle changes (more exercise, sleep, etc.). He tries to move patients along month by month. As they become healthier, they are often able to start on the bigger lifestyle changes that promote broad-based improvements.

Usually after six to 12 months of prescribed supplements and education people begin to understand and can eventually ask themselves, “Do I want to keep taking lots of expensive supplements or am I ready to change my lifestyle?”

The choice is theirs. At the beginning they didn’t have a clue. They thought a McDonald Wrap was healthy because it wasn’t a Big Mac. Now they understand and rather than feeling overwhelmed, they can approach change with more enthusiasm.

This approach requires outside support and time, but it’s more successful than just telling someone to change their diet, get more sleep and exercise.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

Dr. John J. Sullivan, Chiropractor

Dr. Andre Camelli, Chiropractor

Quantum Integration