Amazingly, and in spite of an outpouring of protests from its audience, National Public Radio has reported the results of a major Stanford University study that debunks Organic Myths. A link to the actual study reveals this important note . . . . Primary Funding Source: None.
I’ve been pounding the table for years about the organic myth. For one instance, how can organic corn be better than conventionally grown corn?
I encourage you to read the NPR report. It is a good story, yet it still does not mention that the greatest toxic threats in our foods come from 100% natural organic sources.
If that statement seems nutty to you, then look at the answer in this FAQ.
Far and away ones health is impacted more by the actual chemistry of the foods he eats than any other substance man made or natural. To learn more about the chemistry of food, go to my Food Analysis webpage.
Ted Slanker
Friday, September 7, 2012