Column #459         June 14, 2024Cattle 6666 Ranch Texas

To keep it, it must be supported. The objective of the elites is to slowly shove meat off the menu and turn mankind into vegetarians and bug eaters.

Meat’s enemies say that plant-based foods are better for our health, our longevity, the atmosphere, global warming, and animal welfare. The same elitists who are bringing you The Great Reset, the World Health Organization, COP28, and similar One World Order organizations are seeking to control all aspects of our lives because they know what’s best for all eight billion people on earth. On this they are DEAD WRONG.1 2

Of the elitist events is the COP 28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, which was the biggest of its kind. Some 85,000 participants, including more than 150 Heads of State and Government, were among the representatives of national delegations, civil society, business, Indigenous Peoples, youth, philanthropy, and international organizations in attendance at the last conference from 30 November to 13 December 2023.3 4

The people who join these organizations are intoxicated with their own successes and literally believe they are chosen by the gods to guide the masses. Bill Gates is one of them and he has brought us vaccines that kill and artificial meats that are nutritionally deficient. He invests in pharmaceuticals, artificial meat companies, and is the largest owner of farmland in the country.5

These are the same people that brought us the flawed response to COVID a few years ago. The same ones that claim it is because of man’s activities the earth’s temperature has been creeping up for the past 20,000 years—the end of the last Glacial Period. The same ones that have dotted the horizons with about 80,000 huge wind turbines. It’s the same ones who are pushing the socialist agenda in the US. They are also covering tens of thousands of acres of prime farmlands with solar panels which eliminate all the green leafy plants that once grew there!6

The war on meat has found many ignorant recruits among the people who believe whatever Kool-Aid that’s being served up. Some of them are so-called scientists who have an emotional bias against meat, little nutritional knowledge, and they themselves live on myths. They write bogus “scientific” reports to support their theories just like the phony reports ginned up by the CDC (NIH) to support the total nonsense they were forcing into compliance during the pandemic. As a result, some countries are responding. Germany currently has a 7% value-added tax on meat and advocates are recommending that it be increased to more than 19%. Here in the USA they want to use US troops as guinea pigs for Lab-Grown Meat. This is all being done to save the planet—at the absolute expense of human health?7

A popular definition of veganism by Piper Hoffman is that “Veganism is a way of living which excludes all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, the animal kingdom, and includes a reverence for life. It applies to the practice of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk, and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals.” (BTW, he doesn’t explain what we’re going to with all the honey made from bees pollinating plants.)

What’s so nonsensical is that if the entire world practiced veganism, the only farm animals you’d see would be in zoos. Wild herbivores (including domestic livestock that revert to the wild) would dominate all the pastures, rangeland, parks, yards, and gardens. This would require wildlife management to keep the critters from overpopulating the world. That kind of management requires hunts (similar to deer season) to harvest tens of millions of critters to dispose of them. Since humans would not be allowed to eat them, would the government just dump the carcasses in huge mass graves every year?

Most of our country’s pastures and rangeland are not the best farmland—especially in areas of lower rainfall. If not, they would be planted with various food crops instead of kept as pastures and rangeland. And don’t think that irrigation is always the answer. As the growing of crops in the central US has expanded with the use of large irrigation circles, one of the world's largest aquifers is slowly drying up. The Ogallala Aquifer lies beneath South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas.8

When poorer soils are used for plant-based crops the yields are less, therefore the cost of eating these foods would become more expensive. Interestingly, the nutrient qualities of the food supply would go down because individual plants cannot match the nutrient diversity and balance that’s in meat. I’ve written many articles about how the flesh of a healthy animal has to contain all of the same nutrients people require to function best. A great example is the limitations of imitation meat versus real meat. But, most important of all, are the superior nutritional characteristics of meat compared to fruits, nuts, and vegetables.9 10

Another thing that everyone knows is that herbivores produce methane when they digest roughage such has grass, hay, leaves of tress, and bushes. But what people don’t know is that methane produced today dissipates to nothing in about ten years. So, if the number of herbivores stays about the same century after century (meaning any increase in the domestic livestock population is offset by decreases in wild livestock population) then the quantity of methane in the atmosphere attributable to the herbivores remains a constant for all of time. And why does the number of herbivores stay relatively constant? It’s because of the limitations of pastureland and rangeland to provide them forage. In other words, the natural food supply is limited.

Compared to thousands of years ago, the number of wild herbivores in North America was much greater than today. Even mastodons and mammoths were once plentiful along with buffalo, deer, elk, antelope, moose, giant ground sloths, and camelops, giant beaver, and the American zebra. There were scores of large carnivores too before they were hunted out by man.11

Now let’s think about this a moment. Will the quantity of methane from herbivores go down if the animal kingdom switches from domestic to wild and we just bury the oversupply of carcases? Is the answer then to wipe out all animals and just let trees, grasses, and shrubs do their own thing?

What an incredible destruction of nature’s own natural acts that would be. And the result would be a sicker human population.

As I said at the beginning, it’s best to strongly support the system that’s been working since before the beginning of man. And since the beginning of man he has been a predator just like wolves and lions which is why eating meat is better for him than eating fruits, veggies, and nuts.12

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. The Science Is In: Veganism Makes No Sense by Josh Gelernter from National Review

2. Nutritional Composition of Red Meat by P.G. Williams

3. COP 28: What Was Achieved and What Happens Next? from United Naitons Climate Change

4. COP28 UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action

5. Who is America’s Largest Landowner? from The Land Report

6. Climate Myths: It's Been Far Warmer in the Past, What's the Big Deal? by David L Chandler from New Scientist

7. US Troops Could Be Used as Guinea Pigs for Lab-Grown Meat by Michael Katz from Newsmax Health

8. The Hidden Underground Lake in the Center of the U.S. Threatening Farming from Newsweek

9. Beef vs. Vegetable—In-Depth Nutrition Comparison from

10. Microblog: Meat vs. Plant—The Bioavailability by Nutrition with Judy

11. Massive Ice Age Animals That Roamed North America by Dave Roos from History

12. Humans Were Apex Predators for Two Million Years by Dr. Miki Ben Dor