Column 463       July 12, 2024Shocked Liberal

Most of us remember the Peoples Temple Agricultural Project in Jamestown, Guyana. It was made famous for a mass murder/suicide event on November 18, 1978. Its leader, Jim Jones, offered his followers a utopia where they could enact their vision of an equal, self-sufficient, “apostolic socialism” society. As often occurs with similar cult-oriented leadership, the leader is paranoid and controlling. Jim Jones was no exception.1

Part of the members’ ritual was to practice drinking “poison” as a loyalty test. It wasn’t poison of course, but in the final hours of the Temple, the members were ordered to drink a concoction laced with various real chemicals and cyanide—or be shot by the guards. Soon after the mass death order 918 people had died at the settlement, at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma, and at a Temple-run building in Georgetown, Guyana's capital city.

Soon after the order was given to drink the poison, adults saw the poison begin to take effect. First on the children, then the adults. It was said that many “showed a reluctance to die." Wikipedia described the deaths as follows. “The poison caused death within five minutes for children, less for babies, and an estimated 20–30 minutes for adults. After consuming the poison, according to Rhodes, people were then escorted away down a wooden walkway leading outside the pavilion. It is not clear if some initially thought the exercise was another White Night rehearsal.”2

According to escaped Temple member Odell Rhodes, he said it was a scene of “. . . hysteria and confusion as parents watched their children die from the poison.” He also stated that most present “quietly waited their own turn to die,” and that many of the assembled Temple members “walked around like they were in a trance.”

What people can be convinced into believing or doing goes beyond our imaginations. For more than ten years American’s have been bombarded with half truths and outright lies by political leaders, their liberal media, university scholars, prominent entertainers, and billionaire elitists. It’s been a horrific process that has lowered the intelligence, changed historical facts, and destroyed the moral character, ambitions, community involvement, practicality, honesty, integrity, and common sense of most Americans.3

I believe that way more than 70 percent of the sleepwalking population has swallowed the woke line of total claptrap. Of the voting public, a more involved minority, we’re lucky if 50 percent of them understand what’s been happening. There’s a huge number of people who still believe in what the liberal media had been telling them. Many of them, even after the debate, still believe that Biden is smart as a whip and fit for four more years. These people still believe most of the following and much more:

●    Unedited videos of Biden moments are edited cheap fakes created by the far right;
●    Fifty-one former intelligence officials correctly declared Hunter’s Laptop as being Russian interference;
●    Trump was rightly impeached twice.
●    Russian/Trump Collusion in 2016 was not a Hillary Clinton/Obama hatched scheme, but an actual fact that was overlooked in the Muller investigation;
●    Biden is old, but a healthy genius that our country needs to save us from Hitler Trump;
●    The USA does not have an open border crisis because the influx of illegals was caused by Republicans not passing border protection legislation;
●    Trump will be a dictator and bring an end to Democracy;
●    Children should not only be able to get sex changes but parental consent is not required;
●    Men claiming to be women should be able to compete in women sports;
●    DEI in the military, our schools, all businesses, and the government is a positive social practice that will make our country stronger, more efficient, and more competitive;
●    Critical Race Theory (CRT) must be taught in the military, our schools, all businesses, and the government in order to stop racial strife;
●    The president can cancel student debt even if the Supreme Court says it’s unconstitutional;
●    The Afghanistan pullout debacle occurred because it followed Trump’s plan.
●    In order to stay in office Trump planned Jan6 to be what it was: a violent, armed insurrection that killed police officers and caused significant damage to the capital;
●    The 2020 election was free of corruption while, according to Hillary, the 2016 election was rigged;
●    Deficit spending by the government is constructive for the country’s long-term stability;
●    Having cross-dressers in high positions in the administration is a good example for all the people to follow;
●    There’s no proof that the Biden family has taken money from foreign actors in exchange for influence;
●    Biden’s stash of improperly stored and shared classified documents, acquired while being a Senator and Vice President, is not an issue, but for Trump (an ex-president) to have them is a criminal offence justifying an FBI raid on his home and federal crime charges;
●    Extending the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor and converting it to a Federal Offense in order to charge Trump with a repetitive list of crimes, then convicting him in a kangaroo court is justice and not lawfare;
●    Guns kill people and the nation would be safer if citizens were not allowed to own guns;
●    Cancelling drilling rights and shutting down pipeline construction in Biden’s first days in office were good practical measures for our country;
●    Biden’s begging for oil from foreign countries was helpful for the American public;
●    Selling off the nation’s petroleum reserve to keep gas prices down was anti-inflationary;
●    Biden was right in forcing citizens to take the COVID shots in preventing the spread of COVID;
●    The insistence on using masks, distancing, and an unproven vaccine were proper preventative measures for a virus;
●    Forcing people out of their occupations for denouncing the mRNA “vaccines” and cancelling them for speaking out was Constitutional;
●    The mNRA shots were superior to natural immunity acquired by getting COVID;
●    Bidenomics reversed the recession and high unemployment numbers caused by Trump;
●    Our country needs more government regulations and an increase in its humanitarian-assistance-approach to its citizens;
●    The price inflation rate was 9% when Trump left office;
●    Trump called fallen soldiers “Suckers and Losers”;
●    More EVs, windmills, and solar panels coupled with the elimination of gas appliances, internal combustion vehicles, and production of petroleum products are the actions required to stop climate change;
●    Climate change is manmade and can be controlled;
●    Raising taxes on the richest citizens will solve the budget crisis;
●    The evil Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is his first step to conquer all of Europe. It had nothing to do with responding to NATO/American aggression which expanded NATO countries to Russia’s border during the past 40 years;
●    There can be no peace in Ukraine until Russia gives up all the Ukraine territory it now controls;
●    Free-speech social media platforms are a threat to democracy;
●    To save the Palestinians who hate Jews, Israel must make peace with Hamas.

Biden’s debate performance showcasing a man saddled with dementia shook up some leftists. But many still moved on in denial and “showed a reluctance to believe" what they saw. Immediately after the debate they were told by CNN analysts that they must not believe what they saw and heard because Biden had a cold and Trump was lying. Like the cult members at Jamestown, when faced with reality the far left viewers were “hysterical and confused” and "walked around like they were in a trance.”

It will be interesting to see if reality can overcome the many years of deception repeatedly spewed out by political leaders, their liberal media, university scholars, prominent entertainers, and billionaire elitists. But the deception and cheating regarding what the far left agenda stands for seems safe. All of the prominent names being put forward to replace Biden have the same baggage as does Biden—if not worse. Amazingly Kamala Harris has a lot of support yet she is easily the worst, brain-dead VP the nation has ever had. But that doesn’t matter to brainwashed, cult-following voters.

Consequently, if the spinmeisters can still keep their audiences, the presidential race this fall will be a close one no matter the candidate the Democrats put up. That’s especially true when we already see some states tinkering with their election laws making it easier for illegal immigrants to vote and for there to be ballot harvesting. The White House and leading Democrats fiercely opposed Speaker Mike Johnson’s voter bill the House adopted on Wednesday, July 10. It required proof of US citizenship before registering to vote. How can any American oppose that? The only answer is that those who opposed that bill want to continue cheating.

If we want a return to sanity in our country, for sure we can’t just sit idly by and hope we are the majority come election day. We’ve got to be proactive like never before.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. The Perfect Storm That Led to the Jonestown Massacre by Parissa Djangi from National Geographic Society

2. Jonestown from Wikipedia

3. We Can Be Lied To About Anything... by Christopher Irons from Quoth the Raven's Fringe Finance