Mushroom Garlic Pork Chops

A flavorful easy recipe that hits the spot. Serve with your favorite side such as cauliflower rice and salad.


4 Omega-3 Pork Butterfly Chops or Pork Loin Chops
1 Tbsp. Macadamia Nut Oil
Seasoning Salt and Pepper
4 Tbsp. Grass-Fed Butter
4 Tbsp. minced Garlic
½ c Honey
½ c Water
6 Tbsp. Apple Cider or Rice Wine Vinegar
8 White Mushrooms sliced thin
2 Shallots sliced in half moon pieces
½ tsp Crushed Red Pepper optional


1. Add the Macadamia nut oil to a large skillet, cook on medium/high heat.
2. Season the pork chops with seasoning salt and pepper.
3. Add the pork chops to the hot skillet. Cook uncovered for three minutes on each side to sear the outsides of the chops; remove the chops from the pan and set aside.
4. Turn the burner down to low/medium heat.
5. Add the butter and garlic to the skillet. Cook the garlic for about a minute.
6. Add shallots and mushrooms and red pepper flakes (optional) to the sauce and cook to tender.
7. Stir in the honey, water, vinegar and pepper. Cook until the sauce begins to thicken.
8. Add the chops back to the pan and cook for five to 10 minutes, basting frequently with the sauce until the pork chops are done.

Garnish with parsley and additional crushed red pepper, if desired.


Submitted by Sandra Slanker