Column #474         September 27, 2024Trump vs Fauci May 24, 2020

On March 16, 2020, Trump issued the White House Coronavirus Task Force’s 15-day pandemic lockdowns to slow the spread. As April approached, he extended the lockdowns for another month because the first 15 days were plagued with conflicting advice from public health experts, no improvement in infections and deaths, and demands for more lockdowns by those intent on harming the economy. Science was in short supply.1

Because the economic toll was worse than the death toll, Trump wished for a return to normal by Easter. In the interim arguments raged over the medical approaches to cure the new virus. Using old repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine was quickly dismissed by virus experts, such as Anthony Fauci and others at the NIH, because they called Ivermectin a horse wormer and Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. Instead they promoted masks, distancing, isolation, ventilators, and waiting on a new vaccine.

By May 24, 2020, it was becoming obvious there was very little science behind the convoluted approach to solving the COVID-19 pandemic. In April Trump realized how ineffective and destructive the slow-the-spread policy was to America. He had given governors the power to manage their own states and was asking many of them to lighten up on their restrictions. But the radical far leftists painted a totally different picture of Trump and Fauci as seen in the cartoon.2

The cartoon depicts Fauci the “virus expert” being tied to a stake and wishing that maybe he should of tried psychiatry in order to deal with insane people rather than those merely infected with viruses. Trump is shown burning scientific papers and medical books in order to do away with Fauci—the unreproachable scientific Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

That cartoon, dated May 24, 2020, is how the liberal leftists still picture Trump to this day. They also worship Fauci as a hero for leading the attack against the very disease he funded in Wuhan, China. In spite of lying numerous times before Congress, when Fauci retired he was able to rake in the highest ever government retirement package in the history of the US, with an annual payment exceeding $350,000.

Fauci is the darling of the Democratic Party and the MSM. It is deep staters like him who want Kamala to be president. They are literally inhumane sadists! They want to control people. It was during the pandemic that Fauci actually made scientists publish unscientific garbage in order to continue with totally debunked measures such as distancing, ventilators over Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, the wearing of masks to prevent transmission, the closing of schools when school-aged children were nearly immune to the virus, the nonsense that once infected that didn’t indicate immunity like taking the vaccine, and that lockdowns, even though never before attempted in history, were an effective way to deal with a pandemic. People were even banned from beaches and parks!

“The Real Anthony Fauci” is a 480-page book written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The book was published by Skyhorse Publishing on November 16, 2021. In it Kennedy exposed Fauci for what and who he is. For that Kennedy has been called a conspiracy theorist and other derogatory names. But in the years to follow the May 2020 cartoon and Fauci book, Fauci has proven to be one of the worst civil servants of all time. A totally dishonest person who has killed and negatively impacted millions of people with bad advice. He has wrecked the lives of medical professionals who disagreed with him and has paid off others to produce scientific studies that support his theories rather than actual science.3

In other news, it’s now come out that Trump’s actions on Jan6 were unequivocally supportive of democracy. His call for extra troops to keep the demonstration peaceful expected on Jan6, was rebuffed by military brass for its optics. Those that saw it that way were not just insubordinate, but traitorous, backstabbing, hotheads. The result was that subversives within the government, probably manipulated by Speaker Pelosi, did everything in their power to invite protestors into the Capitol and also inflame them with entrapment tactics that would land them in jail with trumped up charges.4

These are just two examples of the Deep State working hand in glove with the MSM to misinform the American public. For certain, don’t expect the deep state to come out and accuse Pelosi of being a danger to democracy since it was Trump who called for 10,000 peacekeepers. It certainly won’t paint a true picture of the struggle Trump had with our government’s top medical experts either.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. '15 Days To Slow the Spread': On the Fourth Anniversary, a Reminder to Never Give Politicians That Power Again from Reason

2. How 15 Days Became 45: Trump Extends Guidelines To Slow Coronavirus by Tamara Keith, Franco Ordoñez, Ayesha Rascoe, Roberta Rampton from NPR

3. Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from

4. Bombshell Transcripts: Trump Urged Use of Troops to Protect Capitol on Jan. 6, but Was Rebuffed by John Solomon from Just the News