Column 485       December 13, 2024Global Warming Cooling

Is the Earth’s atmosphere warming up? According to ice cores, tree rings, thousands of weather stations, and satellites scientists can say, “It definitely is!” But what does that actually mean for human survival? For certain the temperature isn’t warm enough to grow palm trees in the Arctic and Antarctic. Alligators won’t be swimming around the poles either anytime soon. But at one time the Earth was hot enough for them to thrive in the arctic and antarctic.

The big question, “Is this warming trend caused by man?” We’re being told that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) readings are soaring because of the burning of fossil fuels. And the higher CO2 concentration in our atmosphere is CAUSING the entire planet to warm up. But oddly enough, nobody seems to wonder if rising CO2 levels go hand in hand with natural changes in the Earth’s temperature and is not actually the driving force.

I spent some time poking around the search engines seeking some answers. By and large nearly every article you find repeats exactly the same information that’s in the other global warming articles over and over again—thousands of times. In addition the time perspective is mostly the last 50 million years for a planet that’s 4.54 billion years old. Yet there are some very credible scientific temperature and CO2 studies that cover 600 million years!1

In these studies I found several charts for historical measurements of CO2 levels and temperatures. One long-term chart assumed the Earth’s temperature averaged about 67̊F. Approximately 56 million years ago the monthly average line peaked around 85̊F with CO2 levels averaging around 1,000 ppm. Twenty thousand years ago the average temperature was 60̊F and CO2 levels were only 200 ppm. Now current temperatures are maybe two degrees higher (warming has just started) and CO2 levels are 420 ppm. When the palm trees were growing in the arctic during the Earth’s highest temperature warming period the Earth’s temperature was easily 25̊F warmer and CO2 levels were 3000 to 9000 ppm.2 3 4 5

That sounded very damning for CO2 until I ran across a really interesting website called the “CO2 Coalition.” Everyone with an interest in this topic must review this site. Here are the headings for each of its main facts that sure raise some eyebrows when compared to the political propaganda we’re all being fed. When visiting the site, behind each heading is a brief explanation of the significance of the fact.6

1.    There’s a 140-million-year trend of dangerously decreasing CO2.
2.    The warming effect of each molecule of CO2 declines as its concentration increases.
3.    First and foremost, CO2 is plant food.
4.    In the last four glacial advances, the CO2 level was dangerously low.
5.    CO2 emissions began accelerating in the mid-20th century.
6.    Our current geologic period (Quaternary) has the lowest average CO2 levels in the last 600 million years.
7.    Current CO2 levels are near record lows. We are CO2 impoverished.
8.    More CO2 means more plant growth.
9.    More CO2 helps to feed more people worldwide.
10.    Modern warming began more than 300 years ago…
11.    Melting glaciers confirm modern warming predated increases of CO2.
12.    Rising sea levels confirm modern warming predated increases of CO2.
13.    Temperatures changed dramatically during the past 10,000 years. It wasn’t us.
14.    Interglacials usually last 10,000 – 15,000 years. Ours is 11,000 years old.
15.    The last interglacial was 8°C (14°F) warmer than today. The polar bears survived. Greenland didn’t melt.
16.    The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented (Part 1).
17.    The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented (Part 2).
18.    Earth’s orbit and tilt drive glacial-interglacial changes.
19.    We are living in one of the coldest periods in all of Earth’s history.
20.    For most of Earth’s history, it was about 10°C (18°F) warmer than today.
21.    IPCC models have overstated warming up to three times too much.
22.    For human advancement, warmer is better than colder.
23.    CO2 increase is enhancing corn production… a lot.
24.    An “ideal” temperature is not that of 150 years ago.
25.    More CO2 means moister soil.
26.    The current warming trend is neither unusual nor unprecedented (Part 3).
27.    CO2 rose after the Second World War, but temperature fell.
28.    The only thing constant about temperatures over 600 million years is that they have been constantly changing.
29.    Droughts are not increasing in the U.S. (NOAA) (Part 1).
30.    Droughts are not increasing in the U.S. (NOAA) (Part 2).
31.    Globally droughts are in decline.
32.    Glacial retreat began more than 200 years ago.

Now if this information doesn’t give you pause, nothing will. So visit the CO2 Coalition website to make sure you’ve got your facts straight before you start blaming global warning on a symptom rather than its cause. It’s very obvious that the entire GREEN movement is based on misplaced beliefs not facts. All of the human activity restrictions and the many proposed restrictions that involve the creation of CO2 may be less valid than witchcraft.

Yes, in a few hundred years the sea level may rise inconveniencing those living close to ocean shores. But already many people are rebuilding homes with five feet or more of fill dirt which may add a hundred years to their seaside living. No question a problem but it’s not life or death.

In any case, there is no reason for people to freak out and grow fearful they will be fried because they turned their back on the green energy agenda. Rather they should relax and enjoy the natural changes of our planet just like they enjoy the seasonal changes experienced every year.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. Age of Earth from Wikipedia

2. Emily Judd PhanTASTIC Fellow from Smithsonian Institution

3. The Raw Truth on Global Temperature Records by NASA Science Editorial Team

4. Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels for the Last 500 Million Years by Daniel H. Rothman from PNAS

5. A Graphical History of Atmospheric CO2 Levels Over Time by Owen Mulhern from Earth.Org

6. CO2 Coalition