Column 465       July 26, 2024Structural Integrity

Depending on where you live, structures have to be constructed to withstand the environment. Earthquake prone areas require different structures than do areas exposed to hurricanes. A home on the Arctic Circle must differ from homes at the equator. A house on a shoreline must differ from one inland. More than just buildings, many other aspects for survival must be taken into account depending on your environment.

Basic structures are also critical for institutions such as governments, businesses, religions, clubs, and sports. America’s original structure of governance was unique for its time. For starters, it was based on biblical principles such as Tamara Christine Van Hooser describes it:

“While the Constitution does not explicitly refer to God, the concepts of law which it contains stem from the cultural assumptions of basic biblical truths widely held by the people of that time regardless of their actual piety towards God. In other words, it is an inarguable fact that not all Americans of that era actually held to the Christian faith, yet they held to the commonly accepted morals, ethics and standards of behavior derived from English Common Law, which drew from biblical law given to the Hebrews by God.”1

Thomas Jefferson, a man of deep religious conviction was adamant that “religion was a very personal matter, one which the government had no business getting involved in.” John Adams wrote that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Obviously, for our system of government to function properly, the Founding Fathers was assumed that the citizens had to be moral, responsible, and educated.2

The Founding Fathers were scholars for sure. Most of them were lawyers, politicians, merchants, farmers, and members of the military who were painfully aware of their lack of basic human rights under the British crown. Their biggest concern in forming a new government was concentration of power. Therefore, they designed a balanced government of three branches: administrative, legislative, and judicial. Each branch was a check and balance of the other and would hopefully prevent individuals, the deep state, or groups from developing self-serving power plays to completely takeover the government.

As John Adams wrote 226 years ago, the government was literally designed for moral and religious people. Criminals, the mafia, gangs, and immoral, ignorant citizens can easily turn the whole system on its head. Worst of all, without proper checks, power-mad politicians or the deep state can assume total control from the citizens. In other words, unless citizens hold to the commonly accepted morals, ethics and standards of behavior derived from English Common Law our form of government can dissolve.

Obviously, for our government to survive for 250 years and prosper to the point of becoming the richest and most powerful nation on earth, its original structure had a lot going for it. To change the morals, customs, and checks and balances of not only the government, but its officials, and the citizenry are fraught with risk. But this is what has been taking place for many years. Maybe the slide accelerated after the creation of Federal government’s Department of Education. For years it has been pulling beams, columns, and struts out of a structure. Without beams, columns, and struts, structures will lose all their structural integrity.

The deterioration in the moral structure of our country and the general knowledge about our nation’s history and customs during the Nixon, Clinton, Bush eras accelerated under Barrick Obama. There was a brief respite under Trump, but Biden certainly piled on one radical idea after another to the point of putting everything that made our country great into jeopardy.

Election fraud by the Democrats runs rampant as the Democrats go out of their way to block voter ID requirements. Their advice to vote early and often is legendary. The Obama/Clinton phony Russia-Russia disinformation campaign lasted for years. The Zuckerbergs’ illegally spent $419 million to get out the vote for Democrats in swing states in 2020. The Hunter laptop coverup was criminal from beginning to end. The Biden family corruption was in the open but denied as having occurred by the MSM for lack of evidence. The blatant exposure of debauchery in the streets, schools, and the nation’s Capitol has been normalized. Biden’s dementia was withheld from the public. The phony Trump impeachment trials were 100% political shenanigans. The forcing of masks and vaccines for COVID in spite of the science was disgraceful. The lawfare against Trump was classic third-world election interference. Forgiving student debt to buy votes was strictly prohibited by the Supreme Court, but Biden did it anyway. The Biden administration’s efforts to curtail free speech violated the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Democratic donation platform ActBlue is a "MASSIVE money laundering operation, where large donors avoid the law by having their donations divided up into thousands of small donations." And, as unbelievable as it sounds, because of the incredible level of incompetence that was exhibited by the Secret Service, one can’t discount the possibility that the Trump assassination attempt wasn’t planned by the deep state.

Those points highlight just a few of the blatantly illegal steps the Democrats have been utilizing to gain and keep control of power in Washington, D.C. It’s this kind of activity that John Adams referred to when saying our Constitution is no challenge for immoral and sacrilegious people fully intent on breaking the law to gain and hold onto power.

It has now reached a state where about 50% of the American citizens believe the Constitution needs to be rewritten. The government should be providing more handouts to all citizens that deserve help. The laws must change and the executive branch of government should be far more powerful in guiding how Americans live. In other words, about half of the citizens want a socialist state based on DEI and everything goes.

This is why the election this fall is so important. The downward spiral of moral integrity and knowledge about our system of government must be reversed with constructive leadership. If not, then we’ll see American citizens vote their way into bondage—no different from what occurred in Cuba, Venezuela, and other impoverished hell holes where citizens have lost their freedoms.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. How Did the Bible Influence the U.S. Constitution? by Tamara Christine Van Hooser from The Classroom

2. From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798 from Founders Online