Column #469       August 23, 2024Fife and Drum Historical Painting

In my previous column I provided examples of what the major search engines, the Democratic Party, most university eggheads, and the MSM thought of the speakers at the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles 53 Trump National Golf Club conference. The bottom line was that they are all traitors!1 2 8

To maybe no one’s surprise, those evaluations were incorrect. Yes, nearly all of the presenters at the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles 53 conference are close to Donald Trump. For merely supporting, advising, or receiving Trump’s support most of the speakers have been subjected to lawfare, government agency harassment, censorship of their views on social media and other venues, and slanderous accusations that are widely publicized in the MSM. Many have lost fortunes defending themselves from the phony and/or trumped-up charges.

In spite of being called despicable, lowlife, deplorable, election deniers, convicted felons, embezzlers, threats to democracy, armed insurrectionists, and just simply “weird” by the radical leftists, all of the conference presenters I met were intelligent, polite, friendly, politically active, conservative, patriotic men and women. All of them had their pet concerns which they supported with intensity, logic, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and simple truths. Yet they all have one thing in common which was that they all supported Trump’s MAGA movement. Here’s my assessment of a few presenters free of MSM slander.

Mike Lindell was given the most enthusiastic reception. And his talk about the sacrifices he has made to get election fraud into the courts was quite amazing. He has persisted and is making considerable progress in getting counties around the country to stop using Dominion voting machines which he has proven in court are easily corrupted.3

Mike Crispi is an experienced talk show host, TV reporter, businessman and political activist. He can be heard on the Salem Podcast Network, Frank Speech, LFA TV, and Rumble. He’s also a major Trump supporter and MAGA man. Obviously, he’s a popular speaker because he knows how to get his points across which he did.4

Dr. John Eastman is a highly respected man with impeccable credentials. He was the founding Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence; Senior Fellow of the Claremont Institute; and until January 2021 served as the Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service at Chapman University’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law. He discussed his journey through a system that punishes attorneys who work for politically incorrect clients—in his case a sitting president. This man paid a very heavy price for providing expert legal opinions based on constitutional law about contesting elections. But it didn’t jive with radial leftist ideology and the Biden/Harris government brought all its force of lawfare down on him because of it.5

Dominik Tarczyński was an outlier at this conference in that he spoke from a European point of view. As a member of the European Parliament representing Poland he discussed facts from Europe on elections, the war on culture, the war in Ukraine, lawfare, Jan6, parents rights, election integrity, and the culture war in the U.S. He made the point that Europe needs the United States to turn more conservative for, not only Europe’s sake, but for the rest of the free world. Since he is not a US citizen, he has not been subjected to abusive from our government.6

Tiffany Justice is a wife and mother of four children. In 2016 she served for four years on the School District of Indian River County, FL School Board. She believes that kids in public school deserve innovation and parents have the right to know the union interference and government bureaucracy that is keeping that innovation from happening in their children’s district. Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. This has not endured her to the woke crowd which believes that children belong to the state.7

Sherronna Bishop, known as America’s Mom, is a deeply committed patriot that’s into preserving the values of hard work, community, and patriotism. Over the past six years, she has witnessed a troubling shift in societal attitudes, with conservative ideals increasingly labeled as controversial or even hateful by radical progressives. Sherronna believes that the very fabric of America, rooted in God, freedom, and the family unit, is under attack from socialist progressives who promise everything for free while eroding cherished values. She stands with the Silent Majority, determined to reclaim parental rights, restore true freedom, and reestablish the Constitutional Republic for future generations. Sherronna is passionate about taking back control of children’s education and ensuring that the principles that built this nation endure. Since she has voiced concerns about the 2020 election, she has been a victim of an FBI raid on her home.9

Paul Ingrassia, an Attorney and Constitutional Scholar, claims he is “President Trump’s favorite writer,” specializing in political, legal, and cultural commentary. He has his own substack where he regularly posts political commentary. He’s also on X.10

Kimberly Fletcher is founder and president of Moms for America and Moms for America Action. She is a grassroots activist, author, radio host, and columnist. She talked about her organizations, and how they are promoting a foundation of liberty in the homes of America, through the mothers of America. She also covered the radical agenda of schools, the Parents Bill of Rights, and her views on education and politics.11

Jeff Clark, an American lawyer, was Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division from 2018 to 2021. In 2020 and 2021, Clark allegedly helped then-president Donald Trump “attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.” Clark's actions in that endeavor were reviewed by the District of Columbia Bar which resulted in a two-year suspension of his law license. He was identified as an unindicted co-conspirator in the federal prosecution of Donald Trump over attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Eventually he was indicted along with 18 other people in the prosecution related to the 2020 election in Georgia. He told his story about his FBI raid and the weaponization of government.12

There were several Jan6-speakers. Their stories were shocking in their disclosure of abuses. Nearly all of those who were arrested saw their basic Constitutional rights destroyed. Many lost everything—families, homes, jobs, savings, and some their lives for the most minor of charges. Some received 20-year sentences based upon corrupted legal interpretations that the Supreme Court recently declared illegal. Most of the people who were arrested were invited into the Capitol by the authorities! Yes, some violent idiots deserved to be arrested. But most were peaceful.

Unfortunately, my notes from the conference never made it home. There were other speakers who were real firebrands and I don’t have their names. The topics covered were about fundamental issues rather than name calling diatribes like we’ve been subjected to by watching DNC 2024.

Overall the thinking is that conservatives are too polite and reserved. In order to sway socialists they are going to have to learn how to be bold enough to discuss the issues. They are also going to have to learn how to be more proactive in politics. If woke socialists take control for another four years, we could lose the United States as it has been known to be since its beginning. To say it’s not possible for a government to change and enslave its people is to ignore the history of many other countries over the years. That’s because people have not changed—especially evil people.

To your health.

Ted Slanker

Ted Slanker has been reporting on the fundamentals of nutritional research in publications, television and radio appearances, and at conferences since 1999. He condenses complex studies into the basics required for health and well-being. His eBook, The Real Diet of Man, is available online.

For additional reading:

1. President Trump Holds a Press Conference in Bedminster, N.J. - 8/15/24

2. Phyllis Schlafly Eagles 53 at the Trump National Golf Club

3. Mike Lindell

4. About Mike Crispi

5. Dr. John Eastman

6. Dominik Tarczyński

7. Tiffany Justice and Who are Mom’s for Liberty

8. What Does Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Support?

9. Sherronna Bishop Is America’s Mom

10. Paul Ingrassia's Substack

11. Kimberly Fletcher: an Unabashed American-Loving Mom

12. Jeffrey Clark from Wikipedia